Trishana Technologies

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Welcome to the Best JAVA training in BTM Layout

Welcome to the best Java training in BTM Layout. We are delighted you are probing into a career in Java programming software. We can condole you have come to the right place. However, please scroll down to get a clearer view of Java and how we will help you make a career as a Java programmer.



Java is an ordinary purpose programming language based on class and imparts knowledge of objects. It is basically a software language that helps in running billions of devices. Notebook computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, medical devices, and many more come under Java.

The regulations and syntax of Java depend on the C and C++ languages. The programming language is set so that the developers can insert codes at any place and run it at any place without stressing about the underneath computer architecture. It is also known as write once, run anywhere (WORA). Java was perfected inside Sun Microsystem alien by Oracle. Java developed by James Gosling and is regularly updated to facilitate the evolving requirements of the developer community.

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Our Java training courses start with an introduction to Java programming systems and will gradually help you become an expert in Java programming software. We also stress conveying to students the Java programming skills, English, soft communication skills, and developing personality to meet the requirement of the digital sector. Our curriculum and modules are designed and delivered by our expertise on faculty, who come from various industry exposure. Our institution provides quality study culture that focuses on a career. Moreover, we have a dedicated placement team who works hard to help secure good job placements for the students. We offer our students an industry-centric curriculum with updated and original equipment and software to have the proper practical knowledge and training required by industries. We will gradually equip you to be 100% ready to build a strong career as a Java software programmer and developer. Register now for the best Java training in BTM Layout.

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After completing your Java training in BTM Layout, you can build a strong profile by consummating the following certificates:

Professional: Java Cloud certification will help you get more resourceful in the professional field.

Associate: 1 year Java software programming course will help you solve the problem and take out the basic Java programming solutions.

Foundational: A six-month course to get the basic knowledge about the Java application process.

Specialty: Get to know everything about Java 8 and Java 11 with practical experience by using updated and original tools.


Once you complete your Java training course in BTM Layout from Trishana Technologies, there are some exciting career opportunities for a Java programmer and Java program developer. We have listed some career opportunities for the Java training program below:

  • Junior developer
  • Senior Developer
  • Java Web developer
  • Java Android developer
  • Java EE developer
  • Architect


  • A First Look
  • Java Basics
  • Class and Object Basics
  • Flow of Control – Branching and Iteration
  • Strings and Arrays
  • Packages
  • Composition and Inheritance
  • Interfaces
  • Exceptions
  • JDBC
  • Java Collections and Generics
  • The Java Streams Model Working with Files
  • Advanced Stream Techniques
  • Java Serialization
  • HTTP 1.1 Protocol, request response life cycle
  • What is a J2EE application, its architecture and 
  • what is an Application Server?
  • Introduction to Servlets, their specifications and diverse types of server-side frameworks
  • JDBC and connecting a java application with database
  • ORM Frameworks available and basics of Hibernate
  • Introduction to Spring Framework
  • Why Spring, Java Frameworks
  • Spring Framework architecture
  • Object Coupling Problem
  • Loose coupling and Tight coupling
  • Dependency Injection and its types
  • Bean Life cycle
  • Bean scopes (singleton and prototype)
  • What is Autowiring
  • Different types of autowiring
  • Implementing autowiring in different ways
  • Spring bean definition inheritance
  • Specifying default values using @value annotation
  • Autowiring bean using @Autowired
  • Resolving bean using @Qualifier
  • Defining a component using @Component
  • Using @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
  • automatic Bean discovery in a Spring application
  • Using Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
  • What is Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • AOP terminologies
  • Implementing MethodBeforeAdvice
  • Implementing AfterReturningAdvice
  • Implementing MethodInterceptor
  • Implementing ThrowsAdvice
  • What is AspectJ
  • AspectJ provided annotations like @Aspect, @Before etc.
  • Data Access Object (DAO) pattern
  • Using property files
  • Using Jdbc Template
  • Binding variables in database query
  • Mapping database rows to Java class
  • Jdbc Batch Processing What is Hibernate
  • Working With Hibernate
  • Integrating Hibernate with Spring
  • Database Transaction
  • Spring support for Database transactions
  • Spring MVC Architecture
  • MVC Components
  • Setup Spring MVC Application
  • Writing a Spring MVC application
  • Exception Handling
  • Apache Tiles
  • Introduction to Spring Boot
  • Setup of Spring Boot project
  • Adding Web Capability
  • Create resource using Spring Boot
  • RestfulWebServices using SpringBoot
  • Creating a Hello World Example
  • Creating User Bean and User Services
  • Implementing GET methods for User Resource
  • Implementing POST methods for User Resource
  • Implementing Handling Exception
  • User Post Resource and Exception Handling
  • Implementing Hateos
  • Internationalization of RESTful Services
  • Configuring Auto Generation of Swagger Documentation
  • Monitoring APIs using Spring Boot Actuator
  • Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring security
  • Connecting services using JPA
  • Need for Hibernate
  • Hibernate and ORM (Object-Relation Mapping)
  • Required JAR Files
  • Hibernate configuration File
  • Hibernate properties File
  • Hibernate XML File
  • SQL Dialects
  • Id and Primary Key
  • Id Generation Methods
  • Transaction
  • POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) and the Data Layer
  • Hibernate Over Entity Beans
  • Understanding Hibernate Architecture
  • Configuration
  • SessionFactory
  • Session
  • Query
  • Criteria
  • Hibernate Configuration
  • Hibernate Mappings
  • Persistent Classes
  • Working with Hibernate to perform
  • CRUD Operations
  • Configuring Mappings Using Annotations.
  • Component Mapping
  • Inheritance Mappings
  • Table Per Class Hierarchy
  • Table Per Sub Class
  • Table Per Concrete Class
  • Association Mappings
  • One -to-One
  • One -to-Many
  • Many -to-One
  • Many -to-Many
  • Select clause
  • From clause
  • Where clause
  • Aggregate functions
  • Expressions
  • Sorting
  • Grouping
  • Sub queries
  • Creating Criteria
  • Narrowing the Result
  • Ordering the Result
  • Using SQL Query
  • Named SQL Query
  • Using Stored Procedure for Querying
  • Creating Custom SQL for CRUD
  • Using HQL, criteria API, native sql
  • Hibernate Transaction
  • Hibernate and JDBC
  • Hibernate second level caching
  • Spring Hibernate Integration
  • Data source creation
  • Hibernate DAO implementation using
  • Design Web Application using hibernate
  • Hibernate in web application(case studies)
  • Project Guidance
  • Monolithic Architecture
  • Distributed Architecture
  • Service oriented Architecture
  • Microservice and API Ecosystem
  • Microservices in nutshell
  • Point of considerations
  • SOA vs. Microservice
  • Microservice & API
  • REST Architecture principles
  • Microservice Characteristics
  • Inter-Process Communications
  • Microservice Transaction Management
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Big Mud Ball to Sweet Gems
  • Untangling the Ball of MUD
  • Kill the MUD Ball growth
  • Repackaging/Refactoring
  • Decouple the User interface and Backend Business Logic
  • MUD Ball to Services
  • Microservice Design Patterns
  • Microservice Architecture Decisions

*You will get individual Certificates for each Course.


Easy to learn

Java has C and C++ languages. C++ has clear-cut features, storage classes, operator overloading, and other elements not provided in Java. Thus, all these made Java a less complex language to learn.

Imparts knowledge in object

In Java, everything is object-based and has class, encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism features.

Java supports multithreading

You can splinter the large applications into smaller segments and run them simultaneously.

Secure platform

Java system runs under JRE, which means its runtime environment gives classloader to load class to the runtime environment.

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