About the Android Courses

Android is a user-friendly mobile operating system developed by Google for touchscreen devices mainly smartphones. This is the important reason for the swift upsurge of Smartphone users in the last decade. More than 75% of all the smartphones run on Android platform. Android is designed based on Linux and primarily uses direct manipulation like touch and virtual keyboard. Though the first commercial version was released in 2008, it has gone through many major developments with the current version being 8.0 (Oreo). Since Android is available freely, anyone can build their own applications (apps) on Android and upload their apps to Google Play store through which they can earn money as subscription or initial fees to download their app. As of May 2017, Android has the largest installed base of any operating system.

Why to enrol in Android training at Trishana Technologies, Bangalore?

At Trishana Technologies, we offer a comprehensive Android training which includes basic Java and C using which Android is written, SQL which is frequently used in Android, Android Debug Bridge (ADB) and Android Emulator. Traditionally, Android training institutes teach you only how to create apps in IDEs. But our training makes you develop Android apps from the scratch. By this method, you will know every concept and method used and can develop Android apps anywhere. We train you in the most recent version of Android and encourage you to develop your own apps as practice. We will provide you all the software and support you need to practice at home or at our lab. We also conduct webinars often to increase your exposure about Android development in industries. We provide the best placement support and ensure that all of our students are well placed and got their dream job as soon as they had completed the course.

Key Features


Live Demo

Hands on Practicals/Project

Hands on


One year
Course Validity

100% Placement Assistance

Placement Assistance

Individual attention


24 X 7 Expert Support

24 X 7
Expert Support

Training from Industrial Experts

Training from
Industrial Experts

Certification for Course

for Course


JAVA Concepts

  • OOPs Android Concepts
  • Inheritance in detail
  • Exception handling
  • Packages & interfaces
  • JVM & .jar file extension
  • Multi-threading (Thread class & Runnable Interface)


  • DML & DDL Queries in brief

Introduction to Android

  • What is Android?
  • Setting up development environment
  • Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension


  • Basic Building blocks – Activities,Services,Broadcast Receivers & Content providers
  • UI Components – Views & notifications
  • Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters
  • Android API levels (versions & version names)

Application Structure (in detail)

  • AndroidManifest.xml
  • uses-permission & uses-sdk
  • Resources & R.java
  • Assets
  • Layouts &Drawable Resources
  • Activities and Activity lifecycle
  • First sample Application

Emulator-Android Virtual Device

  • Launching emulator
  • Editing emulator settings
  • Emulator shortcuts
  • Logcat usage
  • Introduction to DDMS
  • Second App: (switching between activities)
  • Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents

Basic UI design

  • Form widgets
  • Text Fields
  • Layouts
  • [dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px
  • Examples


  • SharedPreferences
  • Examples


  • Option menu
  • Context menu
  • Sub menu
  • menu from xml
  • menu via code
  • Examples

Intents (in detail)

  • Explicit Intents
  • Implicit intents
  • Examples

UI design

  • Material Design
  • Time and Date
  • Images and media
  • Composite
  • AlertDialogs & Toast
  • Popup
  • Examples

Tabs and Tab Activity

  • Examples

SQLite Concepts

  • SQLite Programming
  • SQLiteOpenHelper
  • SQLiteDatabase
  • Cursor
  • Reading bookmarks

Adapters and Widgtes

  • Adapters
  • ArrayAdapters
  • BaseAdapters
  • ListView and ListActivity
  • Custom listview
  • GridView using adapters
  • Gallery using adapters
  • Examples


  • Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread)
  • Worker thread
  • Handlers & Runnable
  • AsynTask (in detail)
  • Examples 
  • Live Folders
  • Using sdcards
  • XML Parsing
  • JSON Parsing
  • Maps, GPS, Location based Services

Request a Free Demo

    Upcoming Batches

    June 5 Mon-Fri (45 Days) FILLING FAST
    7AM -11AM, 4PM - 9.30PM.
    June 8 SAT-SUN (45 Days) FILLING FAST
    9AM to 1PM & 2PM to 9.30PM
    June 22 SAT-SUN (45 Days) FILLING FAST
    9AM to 1PM & 2PM to 9.30PM

    Talk to Us

    For Online and Classroom Training

    Android Certification

    About more than 1000 top companies has recognized Trishana Technologies certifications globally.
    Download the certificate once you,

    • Complete our Android training program
    • After successfully Completing the Realtime Industry projects
    • Successful completion of given assignments

    Certification images




    For queries, feedback & assistance